Castles Counsel

#12 Man In The Mirror

March 11, 2019 Stephen Castle Season 2 Episode 1

Stephen returns with season 2 and discuss the man in the mirror

Speaker 1:

Okay. Welcome back to Castle's Councel. Yes. Season two of it was councel and I've been away for a couple of weeks and taking a bit of a break and reflect on what's happened over the last few podcasts and the feedback I've got from you guys over the few weeks obviously. Um, I wasn't really sure if I was going to continue with the podcast because I wasn't really sure as making any kind of a difference. And then I realized that whether it touched one or there touched more into it didn't really make any difference as long as it made a difference to me and it actually did. Um, I enjoyed sharing I enjoy talking. I enjoy just um, venting at some times and um, the feedback I got from some of you out there was a that you enjoyed it as well and as I said, whether it was any one that enjoyed it or many the enjoyed it. Um, it, uh, it made a difference in and that's all it's about. What am I going to be talking about in season two is pretty much carrying on what we have been doing over the course of the last 12 weeks. And that is I'm talking to different people, getting people into to shave, they've used in their stories. Um, and it also, ours have times where I'll just share my views and my feelings on certain things. Over the last three weeks that have been having downtime, what I had been doing as we have been recording a podcast called the[inaudible] podcast, which is dealing with them, divorced people in, in their questions and answering some of the questions in that and also found that as much as I enjoyed giving that feedback, it was very difficult to get a sense of whether it was making different because it's not live. And it's one of the things that I want to do is, is I want to try and get this to start going live or if not live at least get people to either come in and sit with me and discuss things or even just finding and then actually discuss on the phone. Um, so I'm going to be trying to convert those sort of angles to try and make it a little bit more interactive, um, for, for my papers as well as possibly for you, the listener, um, to make it better. Also feedback I've got was there's been quite a lot of things going on over the last few weeks regarding people around me and people that are around those people and how different podcasts I've actually had an effect to a point or a veteran, uh, use to a point in, in sharing some knowledge and uh, people have either shared the podcast on to those people and say, listen to this. If you think thinking this or you aren't sure that have listened to this podcast, I've listened to what he said. Yeah. And uh, that's itself has, has incredible rewards back to me and for what I'm doing at the time. I'm sitting here talking, taking out of my day. Um, so y'all, if you are doing that and you have been doing it and you haven't told me about it, I would appreciate some, some feedback. Cause I said, you can drop me a whatsapp, you can write on the, on the Facebook page. It causals council you can't get hold of me. Just dropped me is to do what you feel the pod costs that mean to you. And if there's nothing to you and if you've just been listening because you'd been trying to support me, thank you. But some kind of just feedback would be lovely you. And if you just send me a thumbs up, which I hate just by the way, if you don't know me, I hate the thumbs up, but I'll take it for this purpose that at least I know that you're listening. Yeah. Um, some crazy stuff happening out in the world. I'm still, I've got this terrible feeling. It as a human race, we hitting down this sort of sinkhole of, of very few values in very few ethics. Um, and I see it all the time and our year about it all the time. And I just finally, we sparely you're not even to the point now, just thought about this right now. I just, you know, if you go and, um, I'm not by any means trying to get religious on you, but if you go to the old testament and you eat a little bit about, um, before, uh, God supposedly sent all the range, um, and he commissioned his man, Noah, to build the dark, uh, the world is in a very bad place then. And, and I, God looked at him and I don't quite me on this because I'm probably getting this wrong, cause the last time I heard their story always probably at Sunday school, but I remember that year in and thinking at the time that how bad the world must have been for God to do that. He must've been really pissed off and really, probably probably disappointed in, in men that he decided that he would need to to flood and destroy man completely except for the couple that he saved two to, to regenerate and restart everything. And I almost feel like how far are we away from that situation again, where we're going to have our God looked down and reveal God might be m and if you look at the way things are in mom, turn the TV on, open the newspaper, look on this world we live in of social media and have a look around and call yourself. If you were God, how would you look down at this and tell me how would you even think of smiling? What possible reason could they be to smile and you stay or they're all little things that happen and I'll give you that. The awesome, beautiful things that happened in awesome, beautiful stories of things that happen. But those things that happen tend to always be the one out of ten one out of 10 and I say one I might even share maybe if it's at a 0.5 out of 10 because it just seems so far and wide that these anything that's good that if it happens at the, at the moment and people in a good people and that's the old people, good people are struggling at the moment out there struggling to make good connections, struggling to feel good about the people around him, struggling to feel good about anything they doing because it's such a bag. You know, I even go so far as to say it, it's a social plague, a social playground where people are just inherently bad. It's just bad and I don't mean bad is not good. You would current clauses, you know, murderers and thieves and all, you know, the, the, the, the 10 and badness. And again, I go back to the religious side and I'm not trying to get rich. Some judges trying to say that, not the criminal code to jail badness because I, that's, some people are not prepared to go to that levels, but they all those that are but just below that line of where they just don't give a shit about what they do, how they do it, who they hurt or who they actually step over to just keep on moving. And 90% of the time they're moving in a totally different direction to the person that they'd destroying and all they had to do was just change lanes and, and let the people know around them, that's what they were doing and then move on. It just be good, be kind, be nice. Um, but that doesn't happen. It doesn't happen at all. Um, and uh, that whole at negative vibe spreads through you and you find yourself caught up in it and you find yourself becoming part of it. Are we becoming angry or becoming negative yourself? And you've got to keep on trying to pull yourself out of that sort of vibe and go, no, I don't want to get angry to around it. Don't want a shot. It, and I don't, I don't want to get negative and I don't want to be in a bad mood. All that negative stuff is around you and it's very hard to stay away from it and really hard to climb out of it every single time. Um, so if you all game through that at the moment and you are feeling at the moment, I understand. And what is the onset? It's difficult because I'm, I'm in the same place. I'm like, I'm not really sure what the answer is. Um, you know what if somebody said to me and came to me with that question, my answer back to them would be just be who you need to be and concentrated on making yourself better because if you make yourself better, that's the only control you have. You only can control you, your direct moment, who you all, how you react to something and how you behave around that. Um, so they would be my advice to somebody else. So I look at it and I go, okay, can you take that advice as Walt? And you know, I can. Um, and uh, um, how law firm when I say that because I know that there are moments we, I tend to just forget it and, and then and are reacting and I get into the place where I become this grumpy and as my mates would say, I become this grumpy bay and I get irritated and not become this negative person and um, and they're not going to shake myself and go hang on a second, be everything you can be. And hopefully in doing it you can change and make somebody else's life for that moment. You're in it in that moment you pass by it a little bit brighter, a little bit more meaningful and hopefully that rubs off and they then take that, that small that you put on their face. Well, that moment that you made them feel that everything's not that bad, they then pass it on to the next and summer. We can get this going that we can somehow change and out. It sounds like a freaking pipe dream. It sounds like you're talking crap, Steven, you luck. What are you talking about? But there's another way to do it. Really, there's not other way we can make it better. We can change it, but we can change how we reacted. And I think we need to, we need to really look at that. And really, what's that song man in the mirror? Michael Jackson. Oh, that's a whole other story. Michael Jackson there. Maybe I should talk about that as well. Something that I actually wanted to talk about in season one and I never got the chance to address, um, not Michael Jackson and directly back. So they might never go to your dress or subject on if we've got somebody in, I was trying to get a psychologist in, um, I'll talk about them running away with Sochi. But anyway, all I wanted to get a psychologist on because at the time when we were busy with as podcasts, uh, we had that whole incident with the drug sky and everyone knows about that and I wanted to get somebody to talk about pedophiles and uh, that whole darkness again, the Walden darkness. And um, recently I just watched the documentary on my man, Michael Jackson and a sound guys coming out talking about him again. And it also putting a damper on me and getting will, you know where his ways the lot, but y'all get back to what I was saying, Yo, we can only make our place in the man in the mirror is the god that we can fix and hopefully making the man in the mirror. I a person, um, somewhere along the line you touch somebody and you make their life better, brighter place that they want to be. So, um, yeah, that's, that's what I know really can pass on and hope that we all can just take a moment and just smile and I small and just do something. And if he can't be nice to somebody, well you can't do it then just do all the, don't do anything. So if you call me Nice, just don't be ugly. If you, if you can't give then, then don't take, you know, but just trying to put out some good energies out in the world today because the world demo needs it. And I, and I think we need to do, start with that man in the mirror and then make like this place a better place for you. And for me a card. There's Michael Jackson again. So y'all, Yo causals council is back. Um, I'm going to keep on working harder at getting these out every week. Sometimes I feel like I'm waffling and maybe I'm talking and no one's really listening as I said, but I'm going to do this regardless. I'm going to put them out. I'm going to make it happen. If you'd like to come onto causals council and you got something, Yolanda, talk about it. If you've got an idea of something me to talk about and you guys have sent me stuff, I just couldn't get the right people in at the time to come and talk about the topics that you wanted me to talk about. But they still, they on the list to be spoken about are we'll get back to them. Um, and I will try and get those things happening. There's one or two out there that are I do know about and we all got to get them to get back in and they all want it to new people. We're going to get in and you just got to bear with me. Cause as we know this is all done for love. It's not done for money. So it makes it difficult when you go to work around people's careers and people's lives and and getting them match to come and sit and do this and chat to us for, for, for Tom with there could be spinning, working or earning some money. So bear with me as a, as I do this and it's going to be the weekends, week, the weekends is going to be the weeks that are don't necessarily get anything out from in terms of what is planned and I'm just going to come and talk in rent here with you guys and hopefully there's questions that you guys can ask me, ask me questions and all that love to answer them on a weekly basis. And I, if it's, if it's one or two questions and it's, and we all have got somebody in studio and we are talking to guests, um, unhappily onto those Christians at the end of every podcast. I just, I just didn't want some interaction with you guys just so I can, I know that you're there listening and more importantly that what I'm doing is actually making sense to somebody, even if it's just one of you will make, make me happier. So yeah, causal counselor returns. Um, I leave with the today's podcast. I'll leave with the Ma, hold him and trustee. Simple. Sane. It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. I'm Stephen Castle and I don't give a fuck.