NLP Talks with Laura Evans

What’s next for the NLP Talks Podcast?

Laura Evans - Unleash Your Potential Ltd Season 4 Episode 12

Whilst we may well be at the end of Series 4 of the podcast, tune in to hear your host, Laura Evans talk about all the awesome NLP guests we had in series 4.

Missed any? No probs, hear Laura’s summary of series 4 and see who’d you like to go and check out today.

You’ll also hear about series 5 and Laura has a question to ask YOU our NLP Talks community - tune in and help Laura as she shapes what series 5 will be about (due out: April 2021).

To find out more about the other episodes check out:

If you would like to learn more about NLP or receive some free NLP Training please check out our FREE NLP TRAINING RESOURCES under free stuff on our website.

You can learn all about our NLP Training courses on our website, feel free to download our brochure.

If you would like to ask a question about this podcast episode please feel free to email us on

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