Accelerate Your Performance

Great Leaders are Learning Leaders

Season 4 Episode 277

What does it mean to be a learning leader? In this episode of the Accelerate Your Performance podcast, Dr. Janet Pilcher invites Mark Bielang, Superintendent of Portage Public Schools and winner of a 2022 Difference Maker award, to be a guest. Mark discusses why being a learning leader helps him lead his team, and he also shares about his commitment to prioritizing the student voice. Listen as he explains how their voices have shaped school culture and helped foster unity across the district.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • How can leaders go about connecting with students to prioritize their voice?
  • Why is it important to establish a set of organizational core values, and how do you begin this process? 
  • How can you work to enhance your leadership skills and become a learning leader to improve your organization?

Recommended Resources: Be The Best Leader You Can Be, Lead Collaboratively and Transparently, Collaborate and Innovate With Your School Board Members, & Why Do Values Matter?