Accelerate Your Performance

What Questions Should I Be Asking My Employees?

Studer Education Season 1 Episode 31

One of a leader’s greatest responsibilities is to ensure teams are engaged and productive. People are motivated to increase productivity when leaders take time to get to know them personally, make them feel comfortable, and help remove barriers in the workplace. When we connect with employees in ways that are meaningful to them, they become more engaged, productivity and profits increase, meanwhile, turnover, absenteeism, and shrinkage decrease. 

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • How can we gather feedback from our employees?
  • Is there a way to establish genuine relationships with others at work? 
  • Is it important to have a good relationship with coworkers and subordinates? 
  • How do I prioritize which processes in the organization need improving? 

 Recommended Reading: Meet 5 Critical Employee Needs w/ Leader Connection Questions

Recommended Learning: Leader Connection Questions