Accelerate Your Performance

From Problem to Solution

October 07, 2019 Studer Education Season 1 Episode 44

Changes in an organization can occur that team leaders may have little control over. What we can control is how we adapt and react to the change in our daily business. When we utilize team meetings with structured, thoughtful discussions, and analysis, someone will propose a winning solution or solutions for the team to agree on. Using a problem-solving agenda, conversations stay focused and teams can avoid falling into a pit of negativity and conflict. 

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • How do we shift from unproductive meetings to meetings where we can solve problems with our teams? 
  • What can you do when a team meeting has turned to arguments and negativity rather than problem solving? 
  • How do you keep teams focused on finding a solution?


Recommended Learning:Improve Your Meetings & Guidelines for Effective Meetings & Tips for Effective Listening with Teams & Leading Effective Meetings
