Accelerate Your Performance

Not Another Empty Promise

Studer Education Season 1 Episode 47

At some time in your professional or personal life, you have probably experienced the let down of an empty promise. It’s also likely you’ve promised a friend or a colleague something you’ve let slip through the cracks at least once or twice. These empty promises, no matter how small, erode trust and jeopardize relationships with others. In this episode, Dr. Pilcher digs deep into what causes us to make these empty promises and how we can choose our words and commitments carefully in the future. 

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • Why don’t people live up to their promises and commitments? 
  • Why do people make empty promises?
  • How to empty promises from leaders affect team outcomes and trust? 


Recommended Learning:7 Reasons Why People Tend to Make Empty Promises by Jessica Grover & Trust: Consistency of Leadership