Accelerate Your Performance

The Responsibility of Recognition

August 06, 2020 Studer Education Season 2 Episode 103

People may come to work for a paycheck, but they’re motivated to work where they feel valued. As we're working with others, overcoming obstacles we've never seen before, we must remember to recognize our people. Studer Group Flame Award winner, Paige Bindi, joins Janet on today’s episode to discuss what recognizing success means for employees and why it’s an important practice for leaders to master. 

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • Why is reward and recognition so significant in the workplace?
  • How does recognition relate to responsibility and accountability? 
  • What 3 recommendations would you give to leaders in organizations to reinforce positive recognition? 

Recommended Learning: Emotional and Rational, Ideas for Recognizing Your Employees, What Gets Recognized Gets Repeated, & The Power of Employee Recognition

Recommended Podcasts: Increase Employee Engagement with Recognition, Make Recognition a Habit