Accelerate Your Performance

Reinvent the Organization: Increase Efficiency While Reducing Costs

April 30, 2020 Studer Education Season 2 Episode 75

Times of crisis often come with tough decisions for leaders, like the pressure to cut costs. And while budget cuts are something no leader wants to have to do, Quint Studer points out there’s an opportunity here organizations will want to seize. In this episode, Janet and Quint discuss how leaders can cut costs in practical ways and the unique opportunities we can glean from crisis times. 

This episode will address questions such as:

  • What advice do you give to leaders as they face declining budgets and resources?
  • What are the practical ways leaders can cut costs? 
  • What opportunities should leaders take advantage of in the wake of crisis-related budget cuts?


Recommended Resources: 

Be Bold About Action, What the Best Leaders Do to Communicate with Employees During Critical Times, Improvement & Innovation, & Anticipating Change