Accelerate Your Performance

3 Ways to Stay Inspired at Work

May 21, 2020 Studer Education Season 2 Episode 81

In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, we’ve seen a heightened appreciation for teachers and nurses. Now quite often, we see love and gratitude and appreciation for them shared publicly on social media, in the news, in commercials, and on billboards. In our conversations, we talk about them and we share their stories. This pandemic has helped us all see even more the heroes they truly are—and really, have always been. Both the nursing and teaching professions are filled with servants who want to make a difference. While their work is rewarding, it can also be tiring and challenging. In this episode, listen as Rich Bluni shares tips from his book Inspired Nurse that both teachers and leaders can put into action to stay inspired at work.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • What actions can we take to help foster peaceful environments at work?
  • How can we shift our perspectives to stay energized and passionate about work?
  • What can teachers do to stay inspired as they get ready for the fall semester? 


Recommended Resources:

Connect to Purpose, The Power of Storytelling, The Benefits of Being a Mentor, The Power of Perspective, Inspired Nurse