Accelerate Your Performance

Stories of Purpose P3

Studer Education Season 2 Episode 102

In our work and personal lives we all want to feel that what we do matters. Staying connected to our purpose can infuse meaning into all that we do. Giving, serving, leaning into our values, and thinking about others can all help fuel us with a sense of purpose, as our guests today share. In this episode, listen as Leader Coach Nannette Johnston, Digital and Software Analyst Basil Kuloba, and TeacherReady Director of Enrollment and Relationship Management Dr. Sarah Miller, share what drives them and brings meaning to the work they do.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • How can our values help fuel a sense of purpose in our work?
  • What simple practice can help individuals stay inspired in their work?
  • What actions can we take to find purpose both in our work and personal lives?

To hear our host and Studer Education Founder, Janet Pilcher, share her connect to purpose story, visit episode #100 Stories of Purpose Part 1.

Recommended Resources: Connect to Purpose, Finding Purpose at Work, Set Aligned Goals, & The Keys to Employee Engagement

Recommended Podcasts: Small Things, Big Difference, Inertia: A Force for Change,  Inspire Others to Achieve & Stories of Purpose P2