Accelerate Your Performance

Purpose, Worthwhile Work, and Making a Difference P3

Studer Education Season 2 Episode 125

Is your workplace culture vibrant? Is it a place where people want to stay and work? Is it a place that attracts top talent? In this episode, Quint Studer is back to share more about his experience in education and healthcare, and his current focus -- communities. Listen as our host Dr. Janet Pilcher asks Quint about lessons learned in his work to make communities vibrant places to live work and play.

This episode answers questions such as:

  • How do we continue to keep the flame burning inside of us in our work and throughout our lives?
  • What are the key ingredients of creating a culture where people love to work?
  • What keeps talented individuals in our communities and organizations?

You can hear more from Quint at our upcoming 2-day virtual conference, Destination High Performance Pensacola 2020. Day 1 will focus on leadership tips, tools and considerations, and Day 2 will focus on building a vibrant community. The event is scheduled for October 28th and 29th. Register for free now.

Recommended Resources: About Quint, Quint Studer is the Man with a VisionMap Your Career Ambitions  & Navigating Career Phases  

Recommended Podcasts: Purpose, Worthwhile Work & Making a Difference P1, Purpose, Worthwhile Work & Making a Difference P2Facing Community Resistance to Change