Accelerate Your Performance

The 5 Behavioral Traits for Sustaining Improvement

January 14, 2021 Studer Education Season 3 Episode 142

There is a lot of information out there about continuous improvement and lean thinking. But, do we know what is really at the core of those methodologies? Dr. John Toussaint and Dr. Christina Dixon join Janet today to dig deep into the core of improvement work. It is no secret that many systems struggle to sustain improvement work beyond isolated occurrences and leaders. In this episode, experts Christina and John reveal the necessary ingredients to help organizations over these obstacles and build the right conditions to sustain performance over time.

This episode answers questions such as:

  • What does it mean to be a lean thinker?
  • How can we welcome uncertainty when the risks are high?
  • What conditions are necessary to generate real improvement?

John and Christina will be back in episode 143 to share more about their experience using continuous improvement to eliminate gaps in student achievement and their recommendations for leaders who are struggling to prioritize improvement. 

Recommended Resources: Becoming the Change, Develop Aspiring Leaders, Boost the Employee Experience, Vulnerability and Teamwork & Be the Model
Recommended Podcasts: Becoming an Improvement Organization, Are You A Curious Leader?, Questions for Continuous Improvement & Positioning Problems as Opportunities