Accelerate Your Performance

Employees are Waiting to Hear from You

January 21, 2021 Studer Education Season 3 Episode 144

Politics, violence, hate... These topics aren't often discussed in our workplaces. Yet people on our teams are feeling pain, disbelief, fear, anger, confusion, and frustration. As leaders, our teams are looking to us to lean in and provide support to manage these feelings. In this episode, Dr. Janet Pilcher shares an approach she created and followed to encourage inclusive conversations on her team.

This episode answers questions such as:

  • How can we address the types of events like our nation experienced on 1/6/21 with our teams?
  • What can we do to create safe spaces for people to express how they feel?
  • Why is it important to support our teams through these difficult events in our nation?

Recommended Resources: How to Talk with Your Team About the Violence at the US CapitolValuing All Voices, Leading with Vulnerability, & Pause Perspective Process
Recommended Podcasts: Are We Energizing Others?, How Can We Help Our Colleagues?, Connecting to Purpose Gives Us Courage & Manage Disruption: Adjust Quickly & Communicate Transparently