Accelerate Your Performance

The Ritual that Keeps People Aligned

Studer Education Season 3 Episode 146

Routines provide structure and comfort within our teams. Rituals go beyond providing structure to instill a deeper meaning behind a sequence of actions. As we continuously navigate change, we need structure to reduce people's anxiety and increase their confidence. People need to know their work has purpose and is worthwhile in helping an organization achieve results. Today, Janet shares one of the most important rituals we can instill in our teams along with 6 suggestions to consider.

This episode answers questions such as:

  • What behaviors and actions do we need to include in our work environment to move routines to rituals?
  • How can we keep everyone in our organizations informed and aligned to achieve the goals?
  • Why is the daily huddle a critical ritual for our team?

Recommended Resources: Motivate with Recognition, Sample Daily Huddle, How Focus Leads to Results, It's All Great Until I'm on a Call, & 5 Critical Employee Needs

Recommended Podcasts: Execute Well, Building Trust in the Workplace, Leading Change with Empathy & Make Complex Work Simple