Accelerate Your Performance

We Are All Connected

April 26, 2021 Studer Education Season 3 Episode 171

Although there are differences between rural and urban communities, many of our problems are the same. We are all interconnected as we are solving these critical issues in America. While Janet reflects on our Strengthening Rural America event, she explains, "the quality of life in our country is dependent on our ability to connect with each other and strengthen America." Our communities are relying on professionals in healthcare and education to create places where we care and love each other - where no one problem is too big to solve.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • Why is strengthening rural America so important for all Americans?
  • What does it mean to commit to excellence?
  • How do we help make our communities a better place to live, learn, and work? 

Explore our Past & Upcoming Events:
Related Podcasts:
One Team, One Purpose: Rural America, The Intersection of Healthcare & Education, The Harmful Effects of Absentee Leaders & 5 Leadership Lessons for the Future