Accelerate Your Performance

The Winning Trait Behind Underdog Teams

Studer Education Season 3 Episode 186

What if we all had an athlete’s mindset at work? What would that look like? Today Janet discusses 6 more personality traits of high-performing athletes from the Sports Management Degree Guide. The best teams provide opportunities for people to feel connected to the work and each other to achieve results. It’s the responsibility of every team member to ensure that no one feels alone when we are working as a team.

This episode answers questions such as:

  • What can athletes teach us about productivity?
  • Why is a shared sense of belonging essential for improving employee engagement and performance?
  • How can we avoid hindering our team from achieving results?

Recommended Resources: 20 Distinguishing Personality Traits of High Performing Athletes, The Power of Perspective, Recognizing Low Will & Spotting High Performers
Recommended Podcasts: What Makes an Employee a Productive One?, Be Dedicated to Being the Best & Strong Teams Don't Happen by Chance