Accelerate Your Performance

How Leaders Stay Grounded

August 26, 2021 Studer Education Season 3 Episode 200

Get comfortable being uncomfortable. It's a saying you've likely heard before, and one that today's guest says applies to being a Superintendent. As an educator for 29 years, Deanna (Dede) Ashby, recently retired Superintendent of Hopkins County Schools joins Janet again to share how she helps others develop a vision and mission that leaves a huge impact on their community. Listen as Dede explains why it's important to have the right people around you and stay grounded as a Superintendent.

This episode answers questions such as:

  • Why is it necessary to constantly evolve?
  • What is the most important aspect of leading a team?
  • How can we stay grounded as Superintendents and leaders in education?

Go back and listen to Dede's first interview with Janet: Education Will Never Look the Same.

Recommended Resources: Leading Change, Excellent Service from the Inside Out & What is Bold Leadership? 
Recommended Podcasts: Even Rockstar Leaders Need Development & How Can We Build Strategic Agility for Continuous Change?