Accelerate Your Performance

Do What's Right for Students

Studer Education Season 3 Episode 202

The skills that students need to be successful after school ends are rapidly changing. What it means to be career-ready tomorrow, will look different in 2025. To best support students for the future, leaders and community members in Oak Ridge School District have made a collective commitment to advance their strategic plan and include a focus on college, career and life success. Listen as Dr. Bruce Borchers shares how his district aligns its Portrait of a Graduate from Pre-K to Graduation using the district's strategic plan.

This episode answers questions such as:

  • How can school districts discover what the community desires for its students?
  • What has brought unity and clarity to strategic planning in this district?
  • Why is it that adults need to change rather than students?

Learn more about the Oak Ridge Portrait of a Graduate.

Recommended Resources: Launching a New Strategic Plan, What is Bold Leadership?, Scorecard Development & The Improvement Maturity Model to Pursue Excellence  
Recommended Podcasts: Continuous Improvement: Where Do You Start? , Embrace the Call for Transformation in Higher Ed, Empower & Invest in Your Teams & Schools are Essential