Accelerate Your Performance

How to Dodge Those Silver Bullets

August 30, 2021 Studer Education Season 3 Episode 201

Are you trying to find the next silver bullet solution? Or are you focused on evidence-based leadership and improvement practices? Focusing on the next shiny silver bullet will often lead to organizational chaos. Today, Janet shares another way leaders can prepare their teams for change and build leadership capabilities to improve organizational systems.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • How can we best manage constant and continuous change?
  • What are the fundamentals needed to manage and lead change?
  • Why do we need to stop chasing silver bullets?

Recommended Resouces: Start With an Organizational Assessment to Make Measurable Improvement in Culture, Why Organizational Change Fails & Anticipating Change   
Recommended Podcast Episodes:
Leading Change with Creative Tension, How Can We Build Strategic Agility for Continuous Change? , Continuous Improvement: Where Do You Start? & Creating Cultures of Improvement