Accelerate Your Performance

That 'Blah' Feeling

Studer Education Season 3 Episode 218

Is it burnout? Exhaustion? Disengagement? It's a feeling people can't quite put their finger on or understand exactly why. Lately, it seems difficult to feel motivated or joyful. If you've recognized similar feelings in yourself, you're not alone. Organizational Psychologist, WorkLife podcast host, and NYT author, Adam Grant recently published an article that describes the unsettled, aimless, empty feeling many people are experiencing. Using this article, our host, Dr. Janet Pilcher, helps us name this blah feeling and provides tips to help individuals go from languishing to potentially flourishing. 

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • What is one way this blah feeling has brought people closer together?
  • Why have people felt so tired and empty lately? 
  • How can we shift from languishing to potentially flourishing?

Recommended Resources: There's a Name for the Blah You're Feeling, From Hopeless to Champion, Collective Willpower to Succeed & Vulnerability and Teamwork
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When it Comes to Change, Less is More, Pay Attention to the Right Work, Powerful Practices that Build Connection & Rounding with Purpose