The Professionals Playbook

Master Class: The Green Beret Soldier behind the Afghan SOF Strategy talks Leadership--Scott Mann

• Episode 44

*My editor sent me this after listening to the episode:
 "I wanted to let you know that this was by far one of my favorite episodes to edit. It provided great insight into leadership skills."*

"The Professionals Playbook" t-shirts are now available here.

My guest today is Scott Mann who spent 23 years as an Officer in the United States Army, 18 of those as a Green Beret in Army Special Forces, where he specialized in unconventional missions in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Panama, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

He is the author of two international best-selling books: Game Changers and Straight Talk About Military Transition.

He's also give 3 TED talks. 

In our conversation we talk about how Green Berets build rapport with local tribes, how he almost took his life after leaving the military, and how leaders can connect with their people.

Order of Topics:

  • Using SOF training for COVID-19
  • How Green Berets compare to other SOF units
  • How to go into a village and establish trust
  • Interpersonal techniques 
  • Architect of the Afghan SOF program
  • Almost committing suicide
  • How to transition from the military
  • Green Beret principals
  • How to build relationships
  • Leadership training 

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LinkedIn-- Justin Hasard Lee
Instagram-- @justinfighterpilot

This episode was edited by Trevor Cabler

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