Spirit Gym with Paul Chek

EP 13 - Ben Stewart: Beyond The Veil Of Deception

February 26, 2019 Paul Chek Episode 13

Ben Stewart’s life as a traveler has been one of transitions from the military to art, to the music industry and, now, to a filmmaker exploring psychedelia and the mysteries of the world in short- and long-form productions on YouTube and Gaia TV.

Paul finds a long-lost brother in his wide-ranging Living 4D conversation with Ben that veers from having a relationship with God to organized science behaving like a mob… 

Show Notes

  • Ben connects with Paul via Pete Evans. (2:19)
  • Ben’s crash course in filmmaking. (4:20)
  • Burning Man, Waking Infinity and the unlimited power of the question mark. (11:30)
  • Ben’s first real love: Music. (14:36)
  • “Allegorical teaching is more important than facts.” (19:33)
  • Why Ben is an artist. (23:00)
  • Maintaining a balance between skepticism and open-mindedness. (26:57)
  • Consciousness is a psychic substance. (30:48)
  • Ben’s relationship with God is one that’s constantly improving. (37:35)
  • What percentage of the ideas in your head are truly yours versus the ones that came from external influences and authority figures like your parents? (44:35)
  • Do the actions of one person in a world of 7 billion really matter? (48:20)
  • The ego -- one of God’s greatest inventions – helps us learn to love. (51:20)
  • Learning how to embrace and integrate “the enemy” from The Matrix and Star Wars. (58:29)
  • Why science isn’t “totally clear” about anything… (1:07:04)
  • Science is an institution operating with a mob mentality. (1:12:40)
  • “Religion starts the wars and science builds the weapons to kill people.” (1:14:40)
  • “My entire life is a series of disappearing steps.” (1:20:22)
  • Going deep into sonic geometry. (1:26:16)
  • All of us are “immature magicians.” (1:32:25)
  • Is history a static concept and really true as we’ve always been taught? (1:40:12)
  • “When you can’t make a decision because you can’t rely on the experts, that’s your soul inviting you to an honest exploration of your own.” (1:47:23)
  • Traveling to other dimensions of reality. (1:50:08)
  • Myth is written as if it’s the history of humanity when it’s really the future of humanity. (1:58:45)
  • Create your own kind of meditative ritual that works best for you. (2:07:13)
  • “Enrich your mundane experiences of life by bringing more awareness into them.” (2:11:36)


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