The Curvy Girl Dating Podcast
The Curvy Girl Dating Podcast
Episode 23: Dating Sunday
In Episode 23 of The Curvy Girl Dating Podcast, host Cristina reveals why Dating Sunday, January 5th, is the biggest online dating day of 2025 and provides tips on how to make the most of it. She discusses the surge in online dating activity during New Year's and the importance of having a positive attitude. Cristina shares data from Tinder and other dating apps to highlight the increased chances of finding a match on this day. She also offers advice on preparing your online dating profile, including updating photos and sharing intriguing details about yourself. The episode encourages listeners to engage actively and lean on friends for support in their dating journey.
00:00 Welcome to The Curvy Girl Dating Podcast
00:38 New Year Excitement and Dating Sunday Introduction
01:14 What is Dating Sunday?
02:48 Statistics and Data on Dating Sunday
07:51 Preparing for Dating Sunday
10:46 Messaging Tips and Peak Season Energy
14:19 Involving Friends in Your Dating Journey
16:01 Manifesting Your Ideal Relationship
19:42 Final Thoughts and New Year Wishes
Consultation Call: https://calendly.com/cristinacoaches/discovery-session
FREE Curvy Girl Dating Checklist: https://thecurvygirldatingcoach.myflodesk.com/datingchecklist
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You are listening to The Curvy Girl Dating Podcast, Episode 23, Dating Sunday. Hi, I'm Cristina. After 10 years of dating, I was tired of attracting the wrong type of guys and thinking I had to lose weight to find love. I finally figured out how to date and I found the love I thought I would never find each week. I'll teach you dating advice, share dating stories and help you ditch the dating drama. My goal is to help you have fun and create the life you love. If you're ready to take your dating to another level, then listen up and let's go. Hello everyone. Happy New year's Eve and Happy New Years tomorrow. I am so excited about the new year and new goals and just a new fresh start. So today we're going to talk about Dating Sunday. January 5th is the biggest online dating day of the year. It's a great time to take advantage of that day if dating or finding a relationship is one of the goals that you have for 2025. So, what is Dating Sunday? Like I've said, it's the biggest day of the year where there's the most traffic and most signups on online dating apps and websites compared to any other day of the year. Because people are motivated to have a fresh start in dating and they might want a relationship this year in 2025. They're more likely to find a date on Dating Sunday. So you have bigger chances of getting a date on that day than any other day of the year. So, if you're ready to go hard and get started on dating and go all in 100%, this is going to be the day for you to do that. It's a combination of the end of the winter holiday season, all the Christmas Thanksgiving and New Year's and the New Year's resolution to find a relationship that increases your likelihood to find dates. So the peak of the dating season is right now, Dating Sunday, all the way til Valentine's Day. So that is your prime time to go for it and go all in finding new dates, you know, and a potential partner, if that's what you're looking for. Dating Sunday came from match.com as a marketing term, and they made it up in 2015. And so slowly the terms started to grow not only in dating apps as a marketing term, but for the day-to-day person as well. So some data that you have about Dating Sunday and why it is the biggest day of the year for online dating. Match.com estimates 40% increase in online dating participants compared to any other day of the year. And Tinder says that over 10% more matches and 20% more messages will be sent on that day compared to the rest of the year. The first Sunday of the year, is proven to be the ultimate dating kickstart for 2025. Data shows that the first Sunday of the year, sees a surge in activity, like no other day. The swiping activity is about 20% higher on Tinder than any other day of the year. The number of likes that you get on Tinder is 15% higher. And, singles are in conversation mode. They're ready to talk. They're ready to send messages answer messages and create conversations. So single people are ready to have conversations and about 12% more likely to have a conversation With the number of messages that they're getting sent. On dating apps. Being nearly 20% higher than the rest of the year. So take advantage of the increase in messages that you're going to get. And the more likely you'll increase your ability to have a conversation with those people, right? Everybody's in a good mood, everybody's fresh and ready to go and hopeful. So use that and go with it, right? Bring in that positive energy as well. Find people with that same energy, because then you're going to get more dates, more likely. Cause if you still go into the new year dragging ass and believing like,"Ooh, I'm going to be single another year because dating sucks and I hate it," and whatever, and you still bring in that negative energy, none of this data is going to matter because you're not going to be in conversation mode. You're not going to be more likely to message back. So the 20% more DMs that you're getting. If you're not feeling it and you're being a grumpy goose, then it's less likely for you to take an opportunity to write back that 20% increase of messages that you're getting. So don't be a jerk, have positive energy and utilize this opportunity on dating Sunday to get with it and start dating. I'm using Tinder as an example, because this is where I got the data from. Most of the data in this podcast is from Tinder articles, but, I'm sure that there's much more data in other dating apps as well. I just happen to have this one a little bit more clear because that's where my research was from. So Tinder users on average experience over 10% more matches. With over 356 matches per second. Do you understand that? per second, 356 matches per second then the rest of the year. it's 10% more matches. That's a lot of matches. Think about it in a 24 hour period. How many seconds are in a 24 hour day? So. Also people are responding faster. So You're more likely to respond faster on Dating Sunday or that other person that you're engaging conversation with is more likely to respond faster because it happens to be Dating Sunday and people are on it and ready to go. Right? So again, Tinder users replied to messages 2 hours and 16 minutes quicker than last year's Dating Sunday. Those that's technically the 2023 Dating Sunday compared to 2024 data. Now we're collecting 2025 data. So we'll have new numbers for next year. But, between 2023 and 2024, there was a 2 hour and 16 minute quicker turnaround time for replying to messages. You're getting through conversations more quickly than normal. If you're replying 2 more hours faster, that's a lot more conversation exchanges then on a regular day. Right? So I am not going to sit and do the math right now to find out how many more messages that would be. Because math is not my thing. But, if you want to do the math, go for it and let me know so I can put it on here. Anyways, you get faster responses on Dating Sunday. So January 5th, get ready for it. It'll be a great day for you to start your dating life fresh and ready for 2025. So how do you prepare for Dating Sunday? There's a lot of things that you could do to get your profile ready for Dating Sunday. So this is your homework today or, before Dating Sunday starts. If you're listening to this after dating Sunday after January 5th, 2025. Then you got the next year, 2026 to go and prepare. You have a whole year. Things that you could do: If you've never online dated before, get your profile up, pick a website, pick an app. create your profile and, get good photos of yourself. And I'm not talking about good photos, like all the angles that are just right in the perfect lighting. I'm talking about photos that represent who you are and what you want in a partner. Right? Like doing all these Hottie Boom Body" selfies don't really do you any justice or any favors. Yes, you look great in those photos, but it's not showing any of your character, personality or anything else about you. So you want your online dating profile and photos to have some substance. Be realistic, honest and authentic in your photos. It is way better than just all these little selfies of the perfect angle in perfect lighting. I promise you. Create that profile and upload those pictures or get your current profile and update that because if you update your current profile and your current pictures, make sure you have fresh pictures. Hopefully took a lot of pictures during the holiday season. During Thanksgiving with family, work parties, Christmas events that you might've attended, New Year's Day events, you know, whatever. So tonight, take a lot of pictures before you have too much to drink to show and highlight that you like to do things for holidays, right. Take pictures tonight and go and upload those in your dating profile app and get ready for Dating Sunday. You want your photos to be current and with substance. Show that you're a human that enjoys doing things, not just a bunch of selfies, right? Cause selfies don't show. Any of your personality or who you are or what you like to do. I cannot stress that enough. Get your profile ready and maybe a great thing to do for your profile right now is to talk about your resolutions. Share some 2025 goals that you might have, share something intriguing about you. Something, that's going to catch an eye and create a conversation, find some conversation starters and add those into your profile. And I think. Asking, what are your 2025 goals? Or what are your 2025 resolutions might be a great way to engage in conversation and have somebody message you. So when you are messaging message with intent. There's over 2.1 million more messages sent daily during the peak season than the rest of the year. The peak season is New Year's Day, like that whole beginning of January, dating Sunday, all the way till Valentine's day. January and February is the peak season of online dating. you get over 2.1 million more messages sent a day during peak season than the rest of the year. Starting conversations and showing interest and being original is going to help you stand out. Include some fun resolutions or ask about theirs, Message with intent and don't be afraid to message somebody. The worst thing that's going to happen is they're not going to message you back. So it's okay. Right. So don't just wait for somebody to message you,"Hey, what's up," like go and take your time and message them first. And then it's okay. Don't put so much thought and weight on what one person is going to do. And be like,"oh my God, they're going to reject me if they don't answer back." Do you have to look at it as rejection? Or can you look at it as they're not the person for me, they have bad taste too bad for them. You don't have to see it as total rejection and the end of the world, because one person didn't write you back. There's millions of people. If you get 2.1 million more messages being sent a year. There's a lot of people. On online dating apps, you are going to forget about them very quickly. So get over it. Don't be so scared. Just go for it and send the message. Feel that peak season energy, like I was saying earlier, being that positive, refreshing new year, new me mode. It's the busiest time for dates in January and February. There's over 298 more likes exchanged during that time of the year, then the rest of the year, 298 million more likes in January and February, then the other 10 months of the year. So, feel that energy like lean into it and start liking those people and start messaging them. Be active and show your part to find dates and find a relationship and get the dating goals that you want to achieve completed. And you have so much more of an opportunity to do this in January and February and start with Dating Sunday, start with that very first, peak season day, you have nothing to lose. Feel that energy, don't be Negative Nancy" or"Negative Nelly" or whatever, no offense sending Nancy's or Nelly's, but, don't be that negative person that is going to bring this bummish lame ass energy into the picture because nobody's trying to feel that. You're not going to get the messages when you're being a jerk on your profile or you just don't have that energy of like this refresh and up and ready to go and be active in your dating experience. So bring in the peak season, positive energy and bring in that vibe and lean into it and go for it. Because you will definitely get better results doing that than being all funky and have a bad attitude. Make it a team effort. All the weight doesn't have to be on you. You have best friends, you have some girlfriends or, a favorite cousin or, aunt that you trust or whatever, maybe it is the parent. You have other people in your life that love you and know you in a different way and they're very close to you. Bring them in on your dating journey, it doesn't have to be a solo sport. 50% of singles plan to lean on their friends to navigate them through their dating journeys for 2025. Be part of that 50% that is getting help from your best friends are the people that know you the most. Right? Get a second opinion, show them who you're talking to, what do you think about them? Do you think they're a good match for me? What did they say? Does that mean they're interested or not. Get a different perspective from other people and have fun in the process, make a day out of it. Go and make a day with your girlfriends. Do Sunday Funday brunch, take pictures enjoy the weather and enjoy just a nice day hanging out with friends and talk about your dating matches or who you're currently interested in. Again, take pictures for your profile to freshen up your profile every once in a while and get your pictures current. And just use that as a day to throw in some of your dating life and get some perspectives from other people. And maybe some of the experiences that you share might help your friends, give you that tough love advice. Like you're doing it all wrong or whatever, because sometimes you need to hear it. Share your experiences with people that you trust and allow them to help navigate your dating journey. Make it a team effort. And then, manifest the kind of relationship that you want, the kind of love that you want. Use this time when you're creating your profile and when you're going on dates or messaging people to reflect on what you're looking for in 2025. So right now, singles are looking for trustworthiness, physical attraction, shared values, emotional availability, and general shared interests. 40% of people are looking for trustworthiness. Physical attraction is 35%. Emotional availability is 30%. And 28% shared interests. It is nice to have shared interests with people, but it's also nice to be your own self and have your own things, so you're giving yourself a good balance in your life between your relationship and your own life, right? People need to have their own lives and not just be consumed a hundred percent in one person. It's healthy to have multiple relationships, whether it's the love of your life or your personal love interest and then your mutual friends that you have and family as well. Right. Some of the deal-breakers that people are having in 2025, are bad hygiene. Thank goodness, 50% though. 50% of people care about bad hygiene. I need that number to be just a little bit more. I'm just saying. Rudeness, 44%. People have a deal breaker of people who are rude. Anybody who talks too much about their ex, for no good reason. Some times there's appropriate conversations to have with an ex, if you're co-parenting or, you know, just specific circumstances, right? I not going to list a whole bunch of different circumstances, but there's appropriate types of talk to an ex and then there's inappropriate conversations that you have with your ex or just, they just don't need to be all up in your business, right? Like that's why you're seeking a new partner, instead of somebody that you've already decided isn't the match for you, or they've decided that you're not the match for them. So, don't talk too much to your ex, it's a major turnoff and deal breaker and red flags. So just don't do it right. 45% of singles are seeking the"golden retriever" type of partner. Somebody that's loyal, trustworthy, friendly and has a whole lot of optimism. So, I don't know if I would call it a"golden retriever" type That is what Tinder has decided to call it. I would call it the partner that is loyal friendly, trustworthy and optimistic, but that's the person most people are looking for this year. Nearly 45%, almost half the people are looking for this"golden retriever" type person. So, this is a great time for you to align your dating goals and what truly matters to you. Realize that you have choices, you don't have to say yes to every single person. You're looking for specific qualities in a person, now is the best time to do it. Between January and February, when everybody is in the mood and getting more dates in this time in this peak season. Take the time to see that you have choices and you can say no to people. You don't have to say,"yes" to every single person that asks you on a date, because if you want to have alignment with a partner and have a healthy, good quality relationship, you need to understand that what you want and what you're looking for is just as important, if not more important than anything else. So what matters to you and what your dating goals are and what you're looking for a relationship is most important. So that is all about Dating Sunday. That is in a few days. Enjoy it. Get ready for it. Get those profiles ready, get those pictures up there, be authentic, be yourself and ask good questions. What are their goals? What are your goals that you want to share to see if people have similar interests or similar goals? That is a great conversation starter. Don't be afraid to reach out and be the first person to DM. Them not messaging you back is not the end of the world. It's just, one less person to worry about ruling out in the future. So you have more people to focus on. Open the next door, close that one, it's fine. That's just part of dating. Have a happy and safe New Year's Eve tonight. Enjoy yourself, even if it's a cozy night in. If you have to work in the morning and you can't make it a whole thing, enjoy your sleep. Get the best night of rest that you can get so that you could start New Year's Day off fresh and ready to go. Have a happy new year and get started on the peak season of dating. And if you haven't downloaded my dating profile checklist. Then go ahead and do that. You can go to the show notes in the podcast. I have a link for The Curvy Girl Dating Profile Checklist, and you can download that and it is a guide that will help you create the profile that is going to catch the right attention to the right people. So, please feel free to download that. Send me an email or message me if you need anything have a great wonderful day and a fresh New Year, and I'll see you next week. Bye.