Life's Learning Curve

The Milt Shuffle

December 27, 2020 Paul Hardt Season 2 Episode 38

Alternate title: BURNS MALTS…. Paul remembers being told:  ‘It’s a nice day outside. Why don’t you go out & enjoy it?” He heard this phrase throughout his years as a child from local pharmacist Milt Burns. Burns Drugstore made the world’s BEST MALTS and people of all ages flocked there to taste the thick, ice creamy goodness in a tin. Milt Burns seemed to not fully understand or appreciate the money-making power of his soda fountain within his own pharmacy. Also luring people inside were sundries, prescriptions filled, hot roasted peanuts, 10 cent candy bars and comic books, Yet Milt shuffled kids out of the store before they bought anything at all. Was it that Milt hated the soda fountain, kids, or something else? The answer is finally revealed in today’s episode. Also: Keep an eye out for a padlocked park named old Maroon Field as well… A kite flier’s paradise! SO, WHY WERE PAUL & HIS FRIENDS CONSTANTLY BEING SENT OUTSIDE OF THE LOCAL DRUGSTORE? Here at LLC podcast we like to take a look back on our lives and discover how we became the best version of ourselves

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