In The Game Podcast

112: Womb Magic by Dr Tharshini

Nat Cook & Sarah Maxwell Season 2

**Special Event**
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Today, we continue the conversation with a Dr of Traditional Chinese medicine who specializes in womb medicine.  Dr Tharshini (Tash) has been helping women liberate themselves from the suffering and trauma held in the womb for over 17 years.

As the recent founder of ‘Fertile Seeds of Life’, she is on the crux of finalizing her first book: Awaken and Heal your Womb. Streaming a 12-part series on ‘The Gift of energetic fertility’ through Awake TV in the US, she is reaching couples worldwide so they know they are more than an age on a paper and a lab result from a test tube!

Awakening the cells and DNA of the body, Tharshini works with various modalities to reinvigourate life force in our bodies so we can birth not only children but create ideas wanting to come out of us!

Living through a traumatic upbringing in Sri Lanka, her own healing has allowed her to be a nurturing force in the medical industry here in Australia and around the world!

The Goods on Dr Tharshini:

Dr Tharshini is a Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor, a Global Energetic specialist, a Womb Medicine Teacher, teaching and awakening the creative power of the womb, and the founder of Fertile Seeds of Life.  

She has been on Awake TV network in the US and was the host of a 12-part episode series, her show was called, The Gift of energetic fertility healing which was live streamed around the world. Helping couples realise they are more than just their age and lab results when it comes to fertility. 

Dr Tharshini’s passion and mission is helping women liberate themselves from the suffering and trauma held in the womb. Her experience in this field has shown her that women are lacking the education to understand their bodies. Beginning all the way back to their first period. 

As a result, many women are suffering from gynaecological issues, fertility problems, hormone imbalances, menopausal symptoms to hysterectomies.

She believes it’s the birthright of every woman to know the knowledge of the womb.

She is a nurturing and passionate doctor who has extensive knowledge and 17 yrs. experience in the health industry. This gives her a deep understanding of Western Medicine Science, Eastern Medicine and Energy Medicine which she combines together to transform people’s lives. 

She has created programs with a new spiritual technology that is strengthening and configuring the true potential of our womb and reproductive health of women and men.  

Her healings are awakening the cells of the body, light codes and DNA. 

Activating the life force energy of the body to co create and birth your reality into existence in all areas of your life.  

Her program reconnects parts of ourselves that are fragmented, disconnected, in pain, suffering, alone and feel separated in the world to come together and be whole again. Healing in ways that open up different dimensions of womb consciousness within. Activating both men and women to return to the beginning of who they truly are. The divine balance of the divine feminine and sacred masculine within. 

Contact Dr Tharshini:


         Insta: @dr_tharshini/

        Facebook: @drtharshini/...


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