Look On The Bright Side

30: I'm Going To Be A Millionaire

Jenell B. Stewart | Award Winning Editor| Educate, Empower and Engage Episode 30

HAPPY NEW YEAR LOVES! Happy 2019! This year is going to be great!

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Take My Digital Content Creation Training Course

Training courses help build self confidence and wisdom but most importantly they get you inspired to achieve your goals. I have a FREE 1 week Content Prep School training that will teach you the essential skills and techniques you need in order to grow your digital brand from the ground up. My training answers the question "How do I start?", giving you clarity on how to grow your brand so that you can make money.  After 1 week you will have wisdom and self-confidence.

If you think great leaders are born and not made, think again. Successful leaders have a clear, sound vision of where they want to go but they had to develop this ability. Training gives you the chance to step back from your daily responsibilities, to examine your brand, and to think about how the future may unfold. You’ll learn how to communicate your vision in a way that truly motivates the people around you. I want to empower you to succeed. My training course uses various techniques and examples to emphasize the point that with a little hard work we all have it in us to be great leaders.

My trainings take place on Mondays, take the first step and enroll now. You will be well on your way to success come Monday.

Ready to grow a 1k followers on your Instagram in months? Here's how!

Seek Out A Professional Mentor

If you have goals that scare you it's time to get mentoring. You can reach out to someone like me who works with women to scale and monetize their brands or someone who does something that you want to be doing. You never know if someone offers mentorship or what they charge for it until you asked. My first mentorship program was $1k and I made 6 figures as a result. Wouldn't you say that was worth the investment? Set up a call with me here.

Whatever you do, make sure you make the best out of this new year!

Would like to be featured on this podcast? Send your submissions to podcast@jenellbstewart.com 

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 "Inhale Confidence, Exhale Doubt."

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