Admonition: Moving You Closer to God Every Day

Necessary Heartache - Admonition 117

Aaron Cozort Season 1 Episode 117

While He was still speaking, some came from the ruler of the synagogue’s house who said, Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any further? Mark 5:35

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Adam Cozort:

And now admonition brought to you by the Collierville Church of Christ.

Aaron Cozort:

None of us in this life want to go through heartache. None of us in this life want to suffer the pain and the anguish that comes with heartache. And yet Jesus allowed a man named Jairus to go through unnecessary heartache. Jesus had been brought by this man or was being brought by this man to his daughter because she was deathly sick and Jesus stopped on the journey to talk to a woman who had touched his garment and become healed by him. And while he was speaking, one came from Jairus' house to tell him, leave the rabbi alone. Leave the master alone. Your daughter is dead. Jesus allowed Jairus to go through this necessary heartache, but then he went and he raised her back to life. Sometimes heartache is necessary for belief.

Adam Cozort:

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