Admonition: Moving You Closer to God Every Day

How do you feel about sin? - Admonition 123

Aaron Cozort Season 1 Episode 123

Job 1:8

God says the correct response to sin and evil is to shun it, to turn away from it.  

Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?” Job 1:8 

And now admonition brought to you by the Collierville Church of Christ.

How do you feel about sin? How should you feel about sin? I know one person that God said felt the right way about sin. In Job chapter one we read in the Lord said to Satan, from where do you come? So Satan answered the Lord and said, from going to and fro on the earth and from walking back and forth on it. Then the Lord said to Satan, have you considered my servant Job? That there is none like him on the Earth, a blameless and upright man. One Who fears God and Shuns Evil. The word shun there means to turn away from. God says the correct response to sin, the correct response to evil, is to turn away from it. Do you feel about sin the way God does? I hope today you're turning from evil

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Speaker 1:

And now admonition brought to you by the Collierville Church of Christ.

Speaker 2:

How do you feel about sin? How should you feel about sin? I know one person that God said felt the right way about sin. In Job chapter one we read in the Lord said to Satan, from where do you come? So Satan answered the Lord and said, from going to and fro on the earth and from walking back and forth on it. Then the Lord said to Satan, have you considered my servant Job? That there is none like him on the Earth, a blameless and upright man. One Who fears God and Shuns Evil. The word shun there means to turn away from. God says the correct response to sin, the correct response to evil, is to turn away from it. Do you feel about sin the way God does? I hope today you're turning from evil

Speaker 1:

For more from the Collierville Church of Christ. Visit