Natures Edge with Dale Stewart

Guest: Kevin Dooley

July 10, 2019 Dale Stewart

Kevin is recognized worldwide for his wildlife photography and was selected to represent the USA Team in 2017 in the Professional Photographic World Cup which the USA won! His passion for capturing intense moments in animal behavior has earned him many awards including the Top 40 International Photographers of Africa Geographic, Wildlife On The Move and semi- finalist for Nature’s Best and Nature’s Best Africa. He has recently accepted invitations to teach workshops in the Professional Photographers of America and will be inducted into the PPA Master of Photography, Jan. 2020. Kevin has been featured in  Yahoo News, June 2019, and The Daily Mail News, UK , Feb 2019.Kevin is also a qualified South Africa Field Guide which enables him to teach wildlife lessons as well as photography.

For more information about Kevin goto:  or

Natures Edge with Dale Stewart Natures Edge, explores a wide range of topics that aim to immerse the listener in the wonder, surprise and importance that nature has to offer. Dale Stewart is known worldwide as a naturalist, explorer, adventurist, and conservationist. He is also a published author and speaker, who still seeks that next great challenge. He has devoted much of his life to exploring the planet’s remotest rivers and living with and learning from indigenous people along the way.