The Leading Edge Podcast

Powering the Coach + Athlete Relationship with Trust - Olympic Silver Medalist Katherine Nye

Snap! Raise Editorial Team Season 1 Episode 11

Since finding the sport of competitive weightlifting in 2016, Katherine Nye has earned impressive accolades ranging from junior and senior world champion titles to be named the 2019 International Weightlifting Federation Lifter of the Year. As of this week, she can add Olympic Silver Medalist to the growing list, her performance at the Tokyo Olympic Games earning her the highest medal the U.S. has won in the sport in over 20 years.

This conversation was originally recorded a year before her historic silver metal performance and provides insight into her physical and mental preparation, her thoughts on what makes a great coach and athlete relationship great, as well as covers the details of her path from gymnastics to sport sampling and ultimately, finding her passion for weightlifting.

The Leading Edge podcast interviews impactful thinkers and doers to help coaches, educators, and leaders to build programs that make a difference. 

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