Amos 3:7 A Love of The Truth

What is Normalcy Bias? John Haller Prophecy Update Podcast

April 12, 2020 Amos37 Ministries

It is Resurrection Sunday, so why do you look for the living among the dead?  This week's message, "The Normalcy Virus" is another reminder that our perspectives as Christians should not change simply because the world does.  We have a Blessed Hope, in whom we implicity trust. 

So despite the world being engulfed by widespread fear and uncertainty with Turkey is rattling its sabers, Oil plummeting to $20 per barrel, Maersk shipping containings sitting empty and many of the ships carrying agricultural products are roaming the high seas with no place to sell the foot because no one is buying. 

Add to that social distancing and then skin dyes, a "digital tattoo" that mimic nanochipping, and we have a world that is far from "normal" as we have defined it.  But is this really different, or is it simply the process that was set in place millenniums ago that we are privileged to see play out before our eyes?   

The World, our country, our states, and cities are on lockdown. But should we, as believers, react the same way those with no hope do.  We think you already know that answer, but just in case you need the encouragement, remember this.   

Christ says, "Do Not Fear."  For He is Risen and has gone to prepare a place, for those of us who put their trust in Him.  And someday soon, He will return for each of us, either when our individual allotted days are over (Psalm 139) or when He comes back to claim His church in one giant, glorious harpazo. 

Our home is not of this Earth, but a perpetual and forever home with our Father in Heaven, who has forgiven us in our sinful state of being, regardless of how far we have fallen or how far away we have run.  Now is the time to seek His face and reset that relationship that many of us may have neglected.  The irony of having a "lockdown" is that God has given us such a time and a day when we can spend more time focusing on Him.  We do so by being informed and aware, and by using our influence and networking to minister and witness to others, sometimes by just living out our faith. 

A good friend and colleague reminded me that nothing is ever about us, never was about, and never will be about us.  It is about those people around us who are seeking answers in a world that has none that can satisfy their inner longings.  But we have it and need to share it and then we must allow God to tug on their hearts.  For they must confess their own faith in Him as this is a uniquely personal decision.  We are only the ambassadors, carrying an urgent message to those who will listen and receive.       

Live your life in faith, regardless of whether or not things get back to "normal" and watch Him move.  And before you know it, He's gonna' make a lot of noise!

Thank you for your support of this streaming ministry and we wish you a blessed and fruitful Resurrection Sunday.  We are glad to have you as part of our extended FBC Family and encourage you to be bold in your faith as we draw closer to the pinnacle of the "Convergence of Events" often referred to by John.

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