Good Mama Meditations

Lark | Morning

Brooke Lark Season 1 Episode 10

In this morning meditation, Lark greets you with warmth and affection, reminding you to embrace the beauty of the small moments as you begin your day. Through vivid imagery and a gentle tone, she encourages you to appreciate the aliveness around you, to be patient with yourself, and to take pride in simply being who you are. Lark’s nurturing words set a peaceful and uplifting tone, helping you start your day feeling connected, supported, and ready to make the most of whatever comes your way.

Hello, love. Welcome to Good Mama Meditations! If you've ever yearned for a loving mother to wake you up in the morning, this meditation is for you. To learn more about this series, I encourage you to listen to the introduction track. And if you'd like to learn more about my own remothering journey,

look for Good Mama Magic:

How I Lost My Religion, Hitchhiked Away from My Marriage, Discovered Magic, and Met the Mother. Now, from Good Mama Lark, let's settle in, take a big breath, and begin this beautiful day. Hello, darling. Many moons ago, we once lived near a family whose little girl had lost her own mama. I would go visit from time to time. to help her daddy stop by for a quick catch-up or stay and cook dinner if he was sad one day while sitting on the couch and reading a book this little girl climbed into my lap and began watching me read she softly placed her hands on my hair, stroking it lovingly; her long lashes like little butterflies as I watched her watching me. After a few moments, she tilted her head, placed my chin between her hands, and said in the softest,

sweetest lilting voice:

'I want you to call me darling, darling.' The name her mother used to call her that sweet and gentle endearment that says 'oh, you wonderful, remarkable, blessed little soul; how precious you are to me and all of those words and feelings and wonderments all in one little name which is exactly of course how I wish to welcome you to today, Good morning Darth darling you wonderful remarkable blessed little soul, how precious you are to me; You my child of sunrise and light; You with your big heart and wide-eyed hopes; You with your willingness to wake up and show up and try and flail and learn and love and live and live and live and live; You with your willingness to wake up and take today between your hands and say I will love you, darling, no matter what the day brings, no matter what today brings; You are here, and that's what. Matters and you are willing, and that matters more; and you are awake. You are a shadow of игрa or and you will be an ironing mighty beast, you are miglory eternally one even millionaire, you will flush from father's table with his sorrow make today whatever it will be. And do you know what, darling? That is as beautiful as anything I've ever seen anyone do. It's true. Too many people think we're here for the big stuff, checking off huge goals and manifesting big dreams. But I believe we're here for all the stuff, even the little things. Maybe especially the little things. For the feel of the cool ground beneath your feet as you rise from bed. Here for the first drop of water as you tuck your sleepy head beneath the shower. Here for the first drop of coffee or tea. The sound of the wind just outside your window. The baa, baa, baa, baa, baa of your beautiful heart. Today, no matter how hurried or harried you are, no matter how sick or tired or depleted or excited you feel, allow yourself this morning, just a few seconds, to notice how alive you are. Always, there is aliveness all around you. Take a moment today to set aside the stories you may be holding about how good or bad this or that is. Set aside for just a moment how good or bad you have believed you are and try something for me, will you? Close your eyes and slow your breathing. Allow yourself to sink down to that place you visit just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Just now. Thanks. Let's stop to remember the voice you felt when the Clark was sleeping. Your once in your life's so many chances to be Vlogmas with a friend or you saw yourself and notice what do you see what do you feel can you sense the hair against your face do you see the flicker of trees just outside your window do you see the way the shadows dance across the walls around you do you hear crickets or cicadas or cars or the buzzing hum of electricity singing all around you do you see it the world all around you is alive and dancing and sometimes you get so busy so go-go-going that you forget to see it sometimes we all forget it and sometimes we forget to see it but it never leaves it's always here and it's always true and you are part of this magnificent symphony of aliveness the wind and earth and air and water the joy and sorrow and laughter and wonder, you were made to stand and sing and break and heal, you were made to learn and grow and expand and create, to rest and run and weep and awaken. all of it is all that you were made to do, and so whatever you are doing today is exactly right, you are exactly where you need to be to learn what you need to learn to write the songs that you will dance to today, to learn the songs that you will dance to tomorrow, and to the tomorrow after that, and the tomorrow after that. today you are exactly where you need to be, so be patient with yourself, good to yourself, tell yourself that you are pretty damn proud of yourself today, now. Really now, what are you pretty damn proud of today? You know what I am damn proud of too, and I am so damn proud of you. Here awake, alive, surrounded by an earth that's here to hold your footsteps linked by heavens that are here to breathe air around you in every single moment you are nurtured, you are loved. You are doing such good things just by being you. So go take today and make it yours, wherever that takes you. You are here, know that I am here cheering you on and saying oh darling, what a lucky thing it is to be your mama.