CoinGeek Conversations

Bitcoin Association’s Developer Bootcamp: How China is opening up to Bitcoin SV

April 21, 2021 CoinGeek Season 5 Episode 16

The Chinese government is “open” to blockchain technology says Lise Li, China Manager of the Bitcoin Association.

Lise says that the government’s attitude is down to a recognition that it needs new technology to digitise and “build a more efficient and more trustworthy …society.” She also credited the power of the internet industry and the “large group of experienced developers and engineers” that China boasts. 

Forty of those talented developers gathered last week on the beautiful island of Dong’ao, in Guangdong province, to attend the Bitcoin Association’s BSV Bootcamp. They were there to learn more about BSV and blockchain technology, attending workshops and presentations on a range of subjects including BSV wallets and how to use script.

 Speaking on this week’s episode of CoinGeek Conversations, Lise told CoinGeek’s Charles Miller that it was not only BSVers at the bootcamp as she had invited 20 developers who were not involved in BSV companies.  She said she was “happy to see that the BSV ecosystem is getting more diversified.” 

 Charles also caught up with bootcamp attendee Gu Lu, founder of SatoPlay – a game platform built on the BSV blockchain. Gu has recently developed a new game called Overshoot which he was proud to tell Charles is the first 3D shooter game on BSV.

 The game utilises a smart contract solution and allows users to earn NFTs and trade with each other. Players can “collect ten cards for each game. If they collect four of them, they can convert them into a set of play cards, which there are only 50 cards around the world and no more.” 

 Gu explains that the conference is a great opportunity to meet developers outside the BSV world so he can “introduce the game to other people, maybe outside the industry, maybe outside the blockchain.”

 He’s also keen to learn from developers working on other chains, saying “it’s great to talk to them and find the difference between different blockchains, find maybe something is better on that chain, maybe something is better on BSV.”

 Gu’s collaborative attitude is a reflection of the ethos of the bootcamp. The attendees eat breakfast, lunch and dinner together and are encouraged to learn from each other. Lise explains that the reason she chose Dong’ao Island was because she wanted her guests to relax “and also be more dedicated to the event and to learn something.”

 One attendee who is keen to learn is Amanda Li, a postgraduate student at Renmin University in China and a new entrant to the BSV ecosystem. Amanda is majoring in the theory of blockchain and believes that the technology can “achieve a more secure and more people centralized society.” 

 Amanda first heard about BSV through Lise Li who was giving a lecture at her university. She was immediately enthralled and believes that wider use of the BSV blockchain has the potential to “change the world.” 

 Even outside the world of BSV, there are signs that the Chinese government is warming to cryptocurrencies with the deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China recently labelling bitcoin an “investment alternative.” Watch this space.