CoinGeek Conversations

Women of BSV: We’re not an oppressed minority, we’re just asking different questions

Season 6 Episode 4

If you thought digital currency was just another financial ‘boys club’, you may need to think again. The Women of BSV group is committed to carving out a place for women in a male-dominated industry. 

Ruth Heasman and Diddy Wheldon are the two founders of the group which describes itself on Twitter as “down to earth & welcoming.” On their YouTube channel they cover events, conduct interviews with BSV entrepreneurs and influencers and create educational videos for those looking to learn about Bitcoin.  

Ruth explains that the women don’t feel side-lined or oppressed: they are simply trying to “provide marketing and education and entertainment, just with a different slant that has more appeal to women because …a lot of it is quite dry.” 

 While they may find some BSV coverage too academic, they didn’t feel that way about the CoinGeek Conference in New York last week. On this week’s episode of CoinGeek Conversations, Diddy says she thought the speakers were “phenomenal.” 

Education is not the only goal for the Women of BSV. They are also hoping to bring a new perspective to businesses. Ruth says, “we’re trying to provide a bit of light relief really …in a more sort of chatty way. And we’re quite interested in the people themselves, the entrepreneurs so we’re asking slightly different questions and having a bit of fun with it.”