The Week That Was on Deadline Detroit

A Local Company Is Using Technology To Improve The Caregiver Experience - A Conversation With Joe Gleason of GenusConnect.Org

December 09, 2020 Craig Fahle / Deadline Detroit Season 2 Episode 138

Craig's guest is Joe Gleason, CEO of GenusConnect.  The company has developed an app that helps families navigate the complicated world of being a caregiver to a relative.  Whether it's elder care, caring for someone with a long term or chronic illness, almost all of us will find ourselves either in the position of being the caregiver, or receiving that care.   There are decisions to be made, disagreements on which approach to take, and especially now, difficulty in making sure those we care for have the human connection they need to get the best outcome.   GenusConnect is a promising technological tool designed to make it easier for everyone involved.   For more information, just text the word CRAIG to 211-411.