The Week That Was on Deadline Detroit

The Withdrawal from Afghanistan is Hectic - Did it Have to Be This Way?

August 18, 2021 Craig Fahle / Deadline Detroit Season 3 Episode 81

Craig is joined by Saeed Khan, Senior Lecturer in Near East and Asian Studies at Wayne State University.  The two discuss what's happening as the U.S. tries to evacuate it's personnel and many of those that aided the U.S. during it's 20 year war in Afghanistan.  The hectic scene is reminiscent for many of the fall of Saigon in 1975 as the U.S. exited Vietnam.  Many are questioning why this is happening, when the U.S. had a lot of time to plan its exit.  Also, what signals is the Taliban sending about how it intends to proceed in governing the country.  Will women's rights truly be respected?  Will amnesty be granted to those that cooperated with the U.S.? Lastly, will the Taliban honor its pledge to allow the U.S. to safely finish its evacuation?