Working Well Sometimes...

First Aid in the Workplace

February 05, 2019 Jane Coombs

First Aid should be available to all in the workplace, whether it's just a person nominated by the employer to take charge and phone an ambulance or maybe you work in a high risk job with chemicals, cuts or serious accidents frequently occurring? 

This podcast explains how you decide on what is most suitable for your business, the different levels of training and competence available and also what else you might need to consider.

As promised, below are the show note resources as mentioned, and a few extra besides.

Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast for future episodes. Or why not drop me a line with a request for a subject.
Or why not purchase by book: Managers Pocket Guide to First Aid at Work available on the Amazon. See what it is all about by watching the video

Free Advice and Downloads

  1. First Aid at Work Micro-site ( from the HSE
  2. Infections at Work ( from the HSE
  3. Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations (
  4. Reporting to HSE: RIDDOR and how to do it (
  5. The Approved Code of Practice for First-Aid ( L74 
  6. The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 (
  7. HSE’s Managing Legionella in Hot and Cold-Water Systems (
  8. The Resuscitation Council UK Guide to AED’s (
  9. British Red Cross App ( available for smart phones 
  10. The Green Book - Hepatitis B vaccination  ( 

From Working Well Solutions
Choosing a First Aider
Managers Guide to First Aid
Mental Health First Aid - Is it Working