The Love Fruit Podcast - A Podcast For Raw Vegan Fruitarians

91. Charlotte Pickering - Member Of Terra Frutis and Amazon Fruit Festival

Ronnie Smith - UK Fruitfest Episode 91

Charlotte Pickering is originally from England.  While at university
she had dreams of growing fruit on her own land in Ecuador and found
the Terra Frutis community online.  She has been a member of the Terra
Frutis community for many years and plays an instrumental role in running
the Amazon Fruit Festival.  She owns land in Ecuador where she intends to
grow her own fruit.

To contact Charlotte about Terra Frutis or the Amazon Fruit Fest, go to the
following pages:

Terra Frutis:

Amazon Fruit Festival:

Subscribe to the Love Fruit Newsletter to stay in touch:

Watch this interview on Youtube:

Learn more about a raw vegan lifestyle at UK Fruitfest, one of the world's best event for the raw vegan community:

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