The Love Fruit Podcast - A Podcast For Raw Vegan Fruitarians

76. Roshni Karia Fruitarian World Traveller From Radiantly Rawshni

Ronnie Smith - UK Fruitfest Episode 76

In this episode of the Love Fruit podcast I speak to Roshni Karia from the UK.  Roshni was brought up on a vegetarian diet her whole life and changed intuitively to a vegan diet while in University.

After some encounters with people eating a raw food diet she later followed her intuition to eat more fruit and eventually start eating a fully raw vegan diet.  This brought amazing energy and health at first but was followed by a time of difficult emotional detox.

She followed her intuition again to head to Bali where she felt at home in the climate.  She has been living in Thailand for close to 2 years now and spent some time living on a beach.

You can follow Roshni on instagram @radiantly_rawshni or visit her website

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