The Unscripted Health Podcast with Dr. Robert Messer

What is Healthy?

Dr. Robert Messer Season 1 Episode 2

In this episode, Dr. Messer goes on to talk about the definition of the term "Healthy" and how the current Life Script of today defines it. Further, he explains a more effective, alternative approach based on preventative medicine, opposed to the current crisis-care model of Allopathic Medicine.

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Twitter: @messer_dr
Facebook: Dr Robert Messer

·     Laying the foundation; as we started building the foundation of Unscripted Health allow yourself to see, hear, and feel where we are now. Permit your mind, just for a bit, to bypass the filters of bias, beliefs, and old patterns to take in some novel information that can possibly offer you the chance to shift into higher levels of health. 

·      I will be giving you a background on where we are now, some stats, some health information from the current script that has been literally causing more disease than it is preventing. Which is intentional,because if you don’t know the truth of unbiased science, how will you know where to aspire to greater options and lifestyle.

·     The media today is often misleading, it’s not Fake news, it’s filtered news. Filtering out informationand limiting your informationto push you in a specific direction for economic or political reasons, to make a sale, and to support the current life script. Of course, there is nothing wrong with someone selling you something. It’s the intention behind the sale that matters.

·      I know that some of you are anxious, saying, “Just give us the good stuff, what can I do right now, to make changes?” 

·     If I don’t lay the foundation of why we should change the script and how to change the script, then giving you things to do will simply result in you perpetuating the current Script. Therefore, nothing will change. So I’m going to lay the foundation for you. And then, when you do the things I suggest, you will get the results you desire. 

·      I will sprinkle some “Things to try”as we go to give you some actionable steps. First, take the time to realize where we are starting from. That will clarify the reality of the current script as it exists around you and help motivate you to move towards a functionally healthy and rewarding future, living the Unscripted Health lifestyle.




1. What is Healthy? 


·      Definition:“Being healthy is the body’s ability to adapt congruently and sympathetically, including, but not limited to, systems epigenetically, physiologically, chemically, neurologically, emotionally, and electromagnetically to the stressors and stimuli from a specific environment and maintain biodynamic balance within all systems.”

·     Simplified: Being Healthy is the body’s ability to adapt congruently to the environment at the time.

·     This means if the body can’t perform daily lifestyle requirements without help, well…

·     If symptomatology was ignored and allowed so long that it became extreme to the point that organs had to be removed, well… that’s not healthy and hasn’t been since before symptoms started.

·     Removing the organ is not creating health, just removing damaged tissue and discomfort

·     And did the organ actually need to be removed?


·     For the body to adapt it must function correctly:

§ Being in reasonable shape, having flexibility and energy

§ High functioning Brain, NS, Immune, kidneys, liver, GI, endocrine systems, skeletal, muscular, epigenetics, at a level high enough that our bodies can adapt adequately.

§ To obtain higher funct