Bare Marriage

Episode 94: Logical Fallacies in our Marriage Advice! The Power & Statistics Episode

April 01, 2021 Sheila Gregoire Season 3 Episode 94

This is a jam-packed episode of the Bare Marriage podcast! We hope you enjoy listening in this week!

Links to things mentioned:

The Great Sex Rescue! And remember to rate and review!
Last week's long post on Emerson Eggerichs gaslighting abuse victims--and the podcast that went with it
The blog post where Emerson Eggerichs uses the stat both correctly & incorrectly at the same time
10 reasons rushing forgiveness ruins intimacy
Our Open Letter to Focus on the Family (that our letter writer referred to)
The Duty Sex Isn't Sexy podcast (that our letter writer referred to)
Why Unconditional Respect Isn't A Thing (where we looked in detail at Shaunti Feldhahn's survey question regarding respect)

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