Bare Marriage

Episode 114: Life Hacks to Help Know Which Christian Book are Toxic

September 23, 2021 Sheila Gregoire Season 4 Episode 114

Many of you have asked for a step by step guide to clarify how to gauge whether a book is harmful or helpful. So today, we thought we'd do just that, and help walk everyone through the process we use when critiquing Christian resources we see being used today.

We'd also like to thank our guest Neil Schori for joining us today with such a wonderful discussion on how to talk to pastors about the harm found in resources. We can't wait to have him back on the podcast again soon!

Links to things mentioned:

Sign up for our email list!
Our big post on the two tests for whether or not a speaker or resource is safe
The Great Sex Rescue
Find Neil Schori on Twitter, and join his Facebook Page for his spiritual direction and domestic violence prevention ministry
Our Open Letter to Focus on the Family about Love & Respect
Our Rubric for Healthy Sexuality Teaching--and our report of our findings from The Great Sex Rescue (you can download both at the same place)

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