Spex Speaks Science
Spex Speaks Science is hosted by scientists and industry experts. From highlighting the hidden chemistry in our everyday lives to discussing relevant industry topics, Spex Speaks Science looks to deliver informative content to the scientific community.
Presented by Spex + NSI + HPS + Chiron.
Spex Speaks Science
Is That My Sample? Understanding the Effects of Growing Conditions on Targeted Cannabis Compounds and Representative Sampling
Accuracy in analytical testing starts at the very beginning with sampling and sample preparation prior to testing. If sample collection processes are flawed, then the final answers will be biased. The basis of accuracy of sampling and testing often rests on two inter-related and fundamental concepts: representative samples and homogeneity. Representative samples are selected to accurately reflect the larger group and should represent the characteristics of the group. Ideally representative samples are homogeneous or similar in nature but when that is not possible the best attempts must be made to achieve samples which represent most of the characteristics of the larger grouping.
In this podcast, we will look at the traditional methods of agricultural sampling and how different target compounds found in cannabis products can be influence by growing practices, environmental factors and choice & timing of sampling.
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