The West Steps

Statewide assessments--what are they and why should we talk more about them?

Colorado Children's Campaign Season 3 Episode 8

Data tell stories, and by understanding those stories, we can become better advocates for kids and families. But what happens when that data is not available? The onset of the pandemic has prevented educators, policymakers, and community leaders from accessing fully comprehensive data regarding how kids are doing in their classes.  With students’ lives being turned upside down this past year, assessment data has become more important than ever in quantifying how exactly the pandemic has impacted student learning. By recognizing that assessments should be viewed as a point of census--and not a point of stigma--we can create stronger K-12 systems that provide the necessary support and resources students need as they return to the classroom.  

This episode introduces one of the most highly misunderstood topics in education. Stephanie Perez-Carrillo joins us for our fist discussion of assessments this season, and sets the parameters for what we should know about these tests, and how they impact kids and families. Stephanie emphasizes the current opportunity we have in reframing assessment data to meet the moment in creating more equitable K-12 systems for students and educators. As a vital tool for ensuring kids have access to the support they need, assessments ultimately serve as the beginning of a solution that will provide every chance for every child.  

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