Christmas Book Review

CBR 12 King Moonracer on An Ice Floe

Carrie Mercer Season 1 Episode 12

Episode 12: King Moonracer on An Ice Floe
Books reviewed in this episode:

Back To Christmas middle grade fiction 8/10

Holly Blues  adult mystery 8/10

The Island of Misfit Toys  kids graphic novel 7/10

The Queen and The First Christmas Tree non-fiction picture book  9/10; in the description of this book I mention how Queen Charlotte put more helpers and nurses into hospitals for pregnant women so that more "children would survive childbirth" but I meant to say so that more WOMEN would survive childbirth. Oopsie.

The Night Before Christmas  adult novella 7/10

African American Christmas Stories  collection of poetry and fiction 7/10; in the description of the story "Three Men and A Woman" I mention Ella being from "Southern Carolina"--yeah, I made up a new state!  Actually it's South Carolina. Also, in my description of that story, I quote a passage in which the N word is used for a black person (Jerry) and I just say N so it might be confusing. What I quoted was "and the N___ be burned alive at the stake." 

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Thanks to everyone who wrote to me and entered my first book giveaway, I loved hearing from you all, and I’ll have another giveaway soon!

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