The Engedi Collective

Life in the Spirit (Romans Interlude): The Pursuit of Justice

October 06, 2019 John Kovacs

This past week, the trial of Amber Guyger for the wrongful death of Botham Jean in Dallas, TX was concluded. When it comes to justice, we know it is at the root of God's heart; it is something that He is after. So how do we respond when it doesn't feel like justice has been served?

As we've been talking about Life in the Spirit, there is an important realization that we as believers are meant to cooperate with God in pursuit of His justice on earth. God doesn't pursue justice apart from humanity because this is where injustice began, where it resides. Thus, God's justice is pursued here on earth, through people, for people, amongst His creation. It is not separate from God or from us - so what is our response? Join us as Pastor John explores God's Word on the matter in Exodus 1.