The Engedi Collective

A Righteous Reality: The Complexity (and Simplicity) of God's Plans

November 24, 2019 John Kovacs

Paul's letter to the Romans takes somewhat of a shift as he begins Romans 9. He becomes transfixed on this idea of the expansion of salvation beyond God's chosen people, the Israelites, into the rest of the world. This might seem obvious and normal to those of us living in a global context, but this was a huge shift in how people were called to think about God, His movement, His people, and His plan for humanity. It was a significant area of tension for early believers, and it is still relevant to many contexts the church faces today. And Paul has a lot to say about this deeper, more collective understanding of the righteousness and peace bought through Christ Jesus.

So join us as we delve into this next section of Romans and Paul's somewhat theologically dense, but God's ultimately simple truth - that His plans are complicated and beyond comprehension, but they are good and are to be trusted... and are for all mankind!