The Engedi Collective

Advent 2019: Beholding

December 01, 2019 John Kovacs

Sometimes it feels like this time of the year, the holiday season marks a sharp and somewhat unsettling shift - a mad dash to parties, end-of-year festivities, time off, shopping, decorating, you name it. Sometimes it feels like it just sneaks up on us and honestly - we don't feel ready for it, physically or spiritually. But the advent season isn't about BEING ready. At the core, it's about the actual process of preparation, of GETTING ready - of beholding. 

We have good, gospel news for you - if you aren't feeling ready, that's ok! This season of advent is about first beholding - letting God saturate us with the truth of the gospel through His Son Jesus in the coming weeks, dwelling on it, thinking on it, letting it wash over us and change us a Word, a thought, a meditation, an encounter at a time. It's not first and foremost about feeling a certain way - but about inviting God to to orient our feelings (whatever they are) to the truth of what He is wanting to communicate about who He is, what He has done, and what He is saying now. 

So regardless of where you are at, let's invite God to do what only he can do - and see what we behold in the process!