EXPOsed Conferences™ Podcast

Episode 02. Events through the Nextflix Lens and 5 Key Elements that Every Conference Should Have

Kristina Daniele Season 1 Episode 2

This episode takes a look at the event industry through the lens of two Netflix Documentaries and breaks down the planning and execution of each and the five key elements they both encompass. 

First up we take a look at Tony Robbins "I'm Not Your Guru" and then we dive into the "Fyre Festival".  There is a quick compare and contrast of each targeted audience, program and what they do to inspire, motivate and empower.   While one has a hands up on the planning and execution of their event, the other unfortunately fails to bring to fruition the FOMO they built their entire event around.  They both however successfully drill down and incorporate the five key elements that are essential to the success of any event. 

Haven't seen the documentaries?! Check them out!

Watch Tony Robbins I'm Not Your Guru


Today we expose....
The FIVE Key Elements that every event should encompass.  How does your event compare and what you might be able to incorporate!

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Speaker 1:

Hey, welcome to EXPOsed Conferences™. I'm your host Kristina Daniele, thank you for tuning into the podcast where we are going to be exposing current trends, challenges, and the futures of conferences as well. I'll be having candid conversations with industry expert. It will elevate your events and help you create partnerships that expand beyond the calendar year. I'm really happy to have you listening today and help you benefit from today's episode as well as future episodes. On today's episode, I'm going to compare and contrast to real life experiences about the planning and execution of an event. Give you the highlight reel of the each. Share Five key elements that are essential in the planning and preparation of conferences and hopefully help you include these into your own programs. The other week I was watching Netflix and I came across two documentaries, the Tony Robbins, I am not your guru and then a few days later I found the fire festival. Anything you haven't heard either of these, I highly recommend you viewing them as they give insight into planning, preparation of two very different events with essentially the same goal, which I'll be talking about here shortly as well I'll have links to both of these videos on this weeks episode description, so be sure to check out our website. Originally this episode of the podcast was to give you just a simple run down of conferences but after watching these two documentaries, I wanted to do a compare and contrast these events. Then the first documentary, I'm not your guru. It takes a look at internationally renowned life and business strategist, Tony Robbins and the documentary takes you behind the scenes of his mega annual fixed days seminar date with destiny attended by over 4,500 people in Boca Raton, Florida. Each year they combine ultimate goal is to create a winning attitude about life, love relationships wealth and creating and recognizing abundance all through the power of your mind and through intention. So I wasn't originally going to talk about this on the podcast, but as I started preparing to do this, it reminded me of the documentary and all of a sudden I was looking at it from the perspective of planner. And so it made sense for me to talk about it today. Again, Tony Robbins goes through his documentary and its emphasis is on his motivational speeches. They follows him through the duration of one of his conferences in which he discusses the way people might be holding on to certain beliefs, habits, mindset that are holding them back in their life. And then he breaks down those ideas, beliefs, moment. It was thing your lower moment or timeframe in their life. And so in his or his presentations, you see him selecting attendees, calling people to raise their hands on specific questions so that he can sort of do a poll on beliefs and these items in which he feels he can help people unblock. And so you see him talking to these individuals and helping them to recognize and identify what the blockages are. And then he right there, like literally in the session or in the presentation, he pinpoints the moment or the time in which they started to have this sort of mindset. You know, it might have been in childhood. It might have been a relationship or a person that caused them to have a certain belief. And so he goes and he pinpoints that timeframe. And then there's this Aha moment where the person then starts to understand why they might be doing or behaving in certain ways or creating certain patterns in their life. And so then the people around him who may not have been the ones that were called upon, they can resonate. You can see them all like clapping and cheering for them and creating moment where this person, where audience members feel like they want to embrace this other person and they want to comfort this other person and they want to support this other person. And so, you know, we talks are so energizing and through engaging and he's really just able to draw people into what he's selling. And you see people dancing and jumping and hugging complete strangers and then crying the next and he does this, you know, over the course of six days through different presentations. And then he breaks them out to workshops and they're working on different activities together to kind of work through some of these issues. Now what I've found truly fascinating and watching this show is about how all of these individuals came together from all parts of the country and to this particular conference. You know, a date with destiny and they're energized in a setting that allows them to truly feel empowered, truly feel as though they're going to shift their mindset by the end of the six days and then they go out and they are so inspired that they want to live the life of their dreams. With all the intention mentioned in the program that he designed it, creating the mindset of a winning attitude, living with absolute abundant and leaving empowered to do, they does it right. He empowers them. He shifts their mind that you can see it in the energy of these people. But what did he do? Well, he brought together, he brought together likeminded individuals, right? Everybody who went there most likely was trying to change a belief or a mindset or achieve some sort of events, have fell, and then create a sense of community among the people who were there, had created situations at which people were connecting with one another with complete strangers, having dialogue with each other and the audience, allowing people to share by raise of hand working through group workshop. And then he was able to share his knowledge and perspective and motivational Alec on the way they were living their lives. And other one was empower the intention with tools and resources that they could then take away and apply in their own lives and create an experience. And for them it was going to this seminar for six days. And you know, there's excitement and there's an activity and theirs and they're able to walk away with having the, the thing that nobody else could have unless they were there. You know, somebody who watches it on TV is not having that same experience. And so he's creating an experience for those people who go to his event and instead of so the second documentary gives us insight into the FYRE festival, which was a luxury music intended to promote the fire APP. It was a new APP that was coming out. A young guy had created it. He was, you wanted to create a lot of hype around the APP and and so you play into this event for April, may of 2017 on a posh private island in The Bahamas. Now again, and it then, but the difference between this event compared to the last event is that you follow the documentary of this young CEO. He plans his event in a very short time period and it fails spectacularly, but of his own doing and the episode it says at the hands of a cocky entreprenuer and those words are not nine. But that's essentially what he did. Now those somewhat different than a conference, you know, it's an event, it's main objective was to achieve a similar end game to bring together like minded individuals, create a sense of community. The audience was a little bit different. A targeted audience of young elite group of individuals. And the goal is to create a sense that the exclusivity, unlike Tony Robbins seminar, which with perhaps more focused on the takeaway of self reflection and self motivation and to have tools for self improvement. The motive behind the fire festival. Well one yes was intended to, you know, bring hype to his APP and to get people excited. Again, it was focused around this focused around this sense of experience. What were they going to get by going to this private island? Did you know the memories that they were going to make and this really cool concert that was going to be taking place and nobody else was going to have any experience like it. So the documentary of the fire festival takes you through the planning of the outdoor music festival that is depicted to be for an elite group of people and through imagery, models that they use on social media imagination and the grandiosity of Billy McFarland who is the CEO. They were not able to hype up the event only in this instance, the planning of the event is driven by Fomo, the fear of missing out instead of the people were excited, people had to sign up for his exclusive, they have once in a lifetime event and were no, they were selling it and driving it so quickly and hyping it up so much that it's sold out and instead of properly planning and preparing to execute and such a short timeframe, they only gave themselves the few months. It lends itself to the opposite side of the spectrum of an event. And you know, I, I want to talk about this then in a future episode because I think it's extremely important to talk about what happened in this particular event in terms of why it failed and why we need to have option B and c a, d the event failed because there was no other option. There was no option B, although he was advised by people in his, you know, company like, let's back out. Let's not do this. You know, this is getting out of control. We don't have the proper equipment. We don't have the proper planning. I mean, you got to watch the thing because it is insane. I mean, it's just insane how everybody just kept pushing along, pushing along, pushing along to do that for them. You know, again, it was coming from the CEO, you know, we, this, the entire event was so rushed, so poorly organized and unfortunately for the stake of the, you know, the stakeholders and the attendees that, that we're going to, the event that we're traveling to The Bahamas and we're so excited about it, they were shortchanged in every single possible way. It was a complete disaster. And during the Fyre festival as inaugural weekend, you actually see the events problems, which related to, you know, not having enough security, not having the right, not having enough food or proper planning of food or accommodations, medical service and artist's relations resulting in the festival being postponed indefinitely. And instead of, you know, having these villas that they were promised and and gourmet meals that the attendees paid thousands of dollars to go to, they received prepackaged sandwiches and FEMA tents as their accommodation. So that just shows you how poorly planned it was. And as a result, you know, the organizers of the event of the fire festival or the subject of at least eight lawsuit and the documentary offers an unfortunate look at how a compensator event couldn't go awry. And again, I'm going to take a deeper look at those on a future episode or this week's episode for all intended purposes. It was another look at what events are and what, you know, what I took away from it. And again going back to the Tony Robbins documentary and main objective for the Fyre festival again was to bring together like people to engage with one another to create the sense of community in this case offering the invaluable experience of being together face to face and creating this, you know, Fomo type experience and these two documentaries while very different in the perspective of preparation and planning and execution of the event or lack thereof, both encompass those key factors as to why we have conferences. There are literally hundreds and thousands of conferences and events across the world that run the gamut of industries, interest, ideas, hobbies and products. You name it and literally there's a conference for everything, almost everything and it goes to show you that through the energy enthusiasm of both you, you as the planner to plan and execute a program on a topic that attendees want to share ideas and connect and learn and grow and then take away information that they can then share with others. You know, that couldn't be in attendance or to form their goals just to form new connections with the people they meet on site. Some people just go to the event for their own growth and their own knowledge of an industry or a topic or subject that they came to learn about kind of like in the Tony Robbins documentary and so if you've kind of done those things then you've essentially achieve the goal of what the conference was about. Okay, so now that would be covered documentaries and what essentially conference is right? The gathering of people to talk and confer a similar topic or interest who goes to these events and looked at it from the contrast and comparison of of Tony Robbins, I am not your guru and then the fire festival. It just shows you the variation and the planning of purpose of an event and they experience it tends to create as far as giving a little bit of insight into the conference industry, I think the biggest takeaways from today's episode is the key factors of what they both intended to do. Right. One I bringing together like minded individual and Tony Robbins k they were coming there for self improvement and they all wanted to have something take away some sort of blockage that they were feeling. And the fire festival documentary, they were all there to have that. There are people who like to music, you know they were going to the Er or who wanted to be part of an experience that was exclusive and hyped up with models and imagery and, but again, like minded, they were, those different groups are going to those events to achieve some, to creating a sense of community. Right. And the Tony Robbins documentary, they were raising hands and sharing dialogue and connecting with each other and hugging one another. And then in the fire festival it was to go to this island and party and have fun and listen to music and stay in these villas and be around people their age and, and just really share it with each other and maybe share it on social media. So people would see that they were there, but it creating a sense of community among the people who were in attendance. Again, going back to number three, knowledge and perspective and an outlook on, on these to various conferences. So this one's a little bit different than the sense of in first one the Tony Robbins documentary. It really is getting like something very different than what you've got out of the second one. But gaining perspective on the two different ideas behind the event and then four and empowering the attendees with tools and resources that they can take away and apply to their lives. Well, the first one, they clearly do that. They empower them and they, they give them tips and tools and they participate in workshops and they're able to leave with leave with like a success notebook in which they write down and journal and every day while they're there and then they continue on that plan. And then with the fire festival and powering them, Hey, this is an exclusive event. We're here, we're having to fund, we're on an island, we're enjoying ourselves. We're sharing this on Instagram or Facebook or whoever it may be. And giving that, that sense of empowerment. I'm part of this elite group that's here and maybe you're not, and then five was creating experience and both of them, they created an experience. Now when was the little bit more in the planning and the execution of the event, but again, creating an experience amongst the people that are there. Sometimes it's to learn, sometimes it's alerted about a particular industry or topic, but you're creating an experience with the people who are there or learning from one another. You're engaging from one another and only you can experience that by attending a conference and there might've been a lot of repetition today, but that's really because I wanted to read for the commonality of events and there's a lot where discussion, like I said, there's so many different ways that I can look at these two documentaries and kind of break them down into other episodes and I hope you take away from today kind of those key factors of what a conference really is trying to do. I look forward to hearing your feedback and hope you can find something you can take away from it. Again, I really appreciate you tuning in today. Thank you for listening to expose tune in every Tuesday to hear a new episode and join in on the conversation, exposed conferences, podcasts that