Stilettos on the Ground

The Life of a Forensic Psychologist

March 04, 2020 Brie Pileggi-Valleen

Lily chats with Brie Pileggi-Valleen. Brie is a forensic psychologist, which means she works within our legal system to psychologically evaluate people charged with various crimes. She is responsible for things like understanding an individual’s competency, whether they are mentally ill and dangerous, and also for evaluating repeat sex offenders to determine risk and how amenable they would be to treatment. This work has brought Brie to many jails and prisons across the country.

Brie’s work is super interesting and challenging - and sometimes dangerous. Brie talks about why she's invested in a lot of self defense training to feel safe and confident in many of the environments her job requires her to be in. And if all of this isn’t impressive enough - Brie also has a side gig too. She’s a freelance makeup artist doing mostly bridal work. This business has given Brie a much needed creative outlet. Brie's journey is sure to inspire many of us to bring passion to all of life's opportunities.

Episode produced by Wendel Topper: